Su24M Week Dental Assisting Program

Total number of Students in course9

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Who’s Studying

Profile picture of Jaquez Craig
Profile picture of Adriana Bustos
Profile picture of Sabrina Schnell
Profile picture of Faith Foster
Profile picture of Hana Abuzir
Profile picture of Jasmine Avila
Profile picture of Bailey Pihl
Profile picture of Merranda Moorman
Profile picture of Rachel Garcia
Profile picture of Sarah Shehayber
Profile picture of Vernice Herrod
Profile picture of Johnna Garret

About Springboard

The mission of Springboard Dental Institute is to provide a Dental Assistant training program that will help aspiring dental assistants in the South Chicago area to acquire the skills that will enable them to be more effective (and therefore more employable) dental assistants for practicing dentists in the area.

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© Springboard Corp. 2015